8 Benefits of Hiring an Immigration Lawyer for the O Visa

Immigration law can be very confusing, especially when you’re coming to the U.S. from another country and you’re not sure what type of visa you need, what steps you need to take, and what exactly you need to do to get your visa and stay in the country legally. The best thing to do in this situation is hire an immigration lawyer, which can answer all of your questions and help you file the paperwork correctly so that you don’t make any mistakes and delay the process of getting your visa.

If you’re looking to become an immigrant through the O visa, it’s imperative that you hire an immigration lawyer who can effectively communicate with the government on your behalf and help you obtain the proper documentation necessary to obtain your visa as quickly as possible. 

The O visa allows you to apply for citizenship in the United States as well as gain access to certain government benefits such as social security, unemployment insurance, and Medicare. You can apply for an O visa if you have been married to your US citizen spouse for at least 3 years and have been living together continuously during this time period, or you can apply if you have been the parent of a child with your US citizen spouse during this same time period and can prove that you would suffer extreme hardship if not allowed to remain in the country.

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An immigration lawyer’s consultation is always free, so you don’t have to worry about paying upfront fees. Instead, your attorney will draw up a contract that outlines their rates and services. This ensures that you aren’t responsible for any surprise bills or fees down the road, and it helps protect you from scams or poor-quality work. 

That said, be sure to interview several different lawyers before choosing one; you want to be confident in their abilities and trustworthiness before signing anything. Even small mistakes in your application can result in delays or denials, so finding someone with extensive experience is crucial. Immigration lawyers can help with all aspects of applying for a green card—from gathering documents and completing forms to submitting applications and representing clients at interviews.

  • Provide References

Are you trying to hire an immigration lawyer to help with your application for O-1 status? If so, you can’t go wrong by working with an experienced attorney. Here are just some of things that can happen if you try to tackle it on your own: 

A mistake could cost you $10,000 or more. Not all mistakes are equal. A small oversight on a form might cost $100 in fees and extra work – but a costly one will likely wind-up costing thousands, or even tens of thousands. It happens all too often: Foreigners miss some paperwork deadline or some obscure requirement, which throws off their whole case.

  • Over 18 Years’ Experience

Immigration lawyers with over 18 years’ experience in immigration law are well positioned to fight to get your spouse’s visa. The immigration attorney must be well versed in filing petitions, preparing Affidavits of Support and presenting your case before USCIS to win approval. 

For example, if you want to bring your spouse here on a K-1 or Fiance Visa, you will need proof that you will be able to financially support her while she is here. This means submitting documentation like bank statements and letters from employers stating how much money they make and where they work.

  • Affordable Prices

One obvious benefit to working with a lawyer is that it saves you money. Filing fees are significantly lower if you hire a lawyer to represent you because immigration courts are overloaded and underfunded, making it easy for lawyers to get applications through on time—and avoid costly delays. 

While some areas have free legal resources or legal aid organizations that can help low-income immigrants, many don’t offer assistance with visas. 

If your income falls above what is considered low-income by these organizations but below what would make it possible to pay attorney’s fees, contacting a private attorney might be your best option.

  • Free Advice by Phone & Email

Immigration law is complicated, but not impossible to understand. When you’re preparing your application, it’s easy to be confused by all of these new rules and regulations, but it’s even more confusing if you don’t know where to turn for help. 

There are many free immigration advice hotlines that can explain some basic questions about immigration law and how it applies to your situation. 

These phone lines will often give you a good starting point for figuring out what your next step should be—but they won’t do anything else for you. If you want legal advice and help with your case from a qualified professional, then consider contacting an immigration lawyer instead.

  • Handle All Paperwork

When you hire a lawyer to represent you, that person will handle all aspects of your case. Rather than having to deal with multiple individuals and waiting on callbacks, your attorney will coordinate communication and paperwork between you and government officials. 

He or she also knows how to obtain information from outside sources such as U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and gather other forms of documentation that may be needed in your case. This could be used for work permits, VAWA petitions or anything else required to obtain an O-1 visa.

  • Prioritize Urgent Cases

When processing your petition, if USCIS identifies a deficiency with your application and you don’t correct it within 30 days, they will send you a letter instructing you to do so.

 If you don’t do so or if there is no response from you at all, they may adjudicate your petition in absence and approve your petition on their own without notifying you. 

This can result in delays with receiving permanent residency status and also in removal proceedings for overstaying status if not caught quickly enough. An experienced immigration attorney can help guide clients through these critical steps in their cases and mitigate risk while avoiding fines and deportation.

  • Willingly Answer Any Questions About the Process

Even if you don’t have all of your questions answered right away, don’t be afraid to ask. Consultants and lawyers work with plenty of people who need help navigating the legal process and, generally speaking, they’re happy to answer any and all questions. 

So, feel free to ask about: Immediate plans; Long-term goals; Possible outcomes; What happens next; or Anything else that comes up along the way.



John David
John David is a digital marketing professional and blogger with a strong passion for writing.