The break fast implies a break of a fasting. Naturally we Human have three period exported to feeding. These period are in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. In between these square meals a day, it is been taken that there should be periods of not eating
Normally a human is meant to take his or her last meal by evening probably between the hours of 5pm to 7 pm at most, though with different societies people’s deviate and eat even past the normal hours
There seems to be the time when we lie down for rest through the evening, that time and towards evening we have a fast from food, which needs to be broken the next morning. That’s breakfast
Medically, during the period of fasting, the layers of the stomach are very fresh. So the stomach needs an intake of food substances that have high water content, foods with high fiber content that the stomach can easily digest
There are so many foods that are not needed to breakfast as it can attack the lining of the stomach causing stomach walls shedding called ulcer
Breaking fast is very important to maintain a healthy life and not to experience any stomach ailment in future
I will for the purposes of these articles mention some food recipes that suits the stomach for the morning
Water or Liquid solution
In breakfast we need something that us subtle, a drink or solid substance that is light and will not interfere with the stomach lining as the stomach lining at the Time of the morning will be soft
One is water or a mild water solution
During the night the body has experienced much dehydration. So the body needs more water to replenish the lost water through urine etc. The need to take adequate amount of water. It is advised to take about 2 or more cups of water by morning. The water does a Great job to flush the body off toxins, ions and free radical in the body. Also water acts as a great cleanser of the kidney and the bladder, removing debris of sodium salts on the bladder that could lead to stone in the bladder
Water solutions
The intake of great anti-oxidants mixed with water helps to flush substances that are poisonous to the system. Water solution detoxifiers using lime, lemon, apple etc is the best recipe to break ones fast.
food substances
Lets take a list of the solids food substances that needs to be taken to break a morning fast
1. Pap combined with a food with low protein
Pap is a major food that is advised to be taken in the morning. Pap on it own has a lot of health benefits as it contains carbohydrates, vitamin, A, B5,B3, B, Riboflavin, Folic acid, Pottasuim, Selenium, Chromium and Magnesium
It has a lit of health benefits as it help regulating the Blood pressure of the blood as a result of the potassium content as opposed to sodium which causes increase of blood pressure. It also helps to decrease the effect of bad cholesterol in the body
Taking pap in the morning
Pap can be done in varieties of way, These way’s I call recipes for pap taking
- Pap and beans cake popularly called Akara in Nigeria dialect
- Pap mixed with milk taken with a protein food which can be bean cake or moinomoi: locally processed grounded beans
Pap is a very healthy food for the morning as the fibers content contained in the pap aids easy digestion. And keeps the stomach food and healthy
2. Oat meal
The oat meal is a good meal that can be taken in the morning. Oat contain glycan, a component that makes one fuller. A person that takes oat will appear fuller for the rest of the day, oat can be taken foe someone that’ doesn’t need excessive weight
It also contains antioxidant, Omega-3-fatty acid, folate, pottasuim, which nourishes the body. And oats tend to be glycemic that’s it helps to Lower the sugar levels
Oat recipes
Oat can be taken with milk and sugar. It can also b taken with processed beans food substances like bean cake. It highly nutritious
Fruits are a good to be taken to break fast. The fruits contains vitamins and minerals that the body really needs for repairs of the body cells and the tissues
Taking fruits like oranges, banana, watermelon in the morning is really good as it supplies the body with enough water content And gives the required mineral that repairs the body. Warning there are some acidic fruit’s like lime, lemon, that should not be taken unless when diluted in some considerable amount of water used as detox
Fruits juice desert
Processed orange, banana, pineapple etc, can be squeezed and taken in the morning as it is a very good desert to nourish the body during the Morning and to break fast
Breaking the morning fast is very necessary, as at times the body depends on the food to process energy for a person to undertake Day to activities
Also intake of a good food substances good for the stomach keeps the stomach very healthy and makes one free from sicknesses that could affect the stomach lining.
So break the fast well And stay healthy