atraumatic extraction

A Guide to Best Instruments for Atraumatic Tooth Extraction

Dental extractions are sometimes dreadful and may require a long time to heal. Of course, being the dentist, you would want to perform efficient and quick procedures keeping the patient’s comfort and safety in mind.

Traditional tooth extractions were also effective, although grasping the roots efficiently was a challenge. As a result, it caused trauma to the patient’s oral tissues.

However, modern dental extraction tools like dental luxator and more have made the treatments less atraumatic. Also, after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals are more focused on providing the patients with the best possible care and quick healing.

Furthermore, atraumatic extraction with the use of effective equipment focuses on producing the least amount of pain feasible. As a result, the bones are safe, and patients’ anxiety reduces.

So, let’s learn more about these technologies and how they may help dentists all over the world with atraumatic tooth extraction.

Best Dental Tools for Atraumatic Extraction Procedures

The appropriate instruments make a huge difference when it comes to executing dental procedures. Dentists can improve their skills and practices by employing high-quality devices designed to extract dental roots and cut off ligaments.

Using modern dental extracting forceps and elevators, today’s dental surgeons can readily reach the PDL in-depth. Now, let us discover the surgical dental instruments that allow painless tooth extraction practice.

The Process of Atraumatic Extraction

Determine the tooth extraction need: Assessing and analyzing the tooth and nearby area is essential to make informed decisions. Firstly, dentists review the patient’s mouth’s bone structure, tissue defects, abscesses presence, and more.

Tooth extraction: Once the reason behind extraction is recognized, the next step comes to tooth extraction. The dentists will place the periotome in the mouth and discover the periodontal ligament. Once they find it, they will cut out the ligament.

Type of Instruments for Atraumatic Tooth Extraction

Extracting Forceps

The dentists use dental extracting forceps to remove the teeth from bony sockets. This is done after the attached ligaments are separated during the atraumatic treatment. In addition, the forceps help to keep the nearby tissues unaffected.

Also, forceps come in variations, and choosing from a wide range depends on the type of tooth and its placement during treatment.

Extracting forceps works on vertical force to extract the loosened tooth. How? It helps in pulling the tooth out from the socket. In addition, these instruments are the best contributors to performing atraumatic dental treatments.


Dentists use periotomes to reduce the pain while the tooth extraction process. It helps to liberate the surrounding tissues for minimum discomfort before and after the surgery.

How Dentists Utilize Periotomes During Atraumatic Extraction

The thin blades of periotomes help to detach the circumferential and transgingival fibers. In simple terms, this instrument loosens up the tooth by cutting the PDL.

Dental Anglevators

Dental Anglevators are the instruments that help to make accurate and sharp cuts at the incision site. The tool is ruling the dentistry field for its multipurpose features. Dental Anglevators help in tooth luxation. In addition, it cuts the periodontal fibers and elevates the luxated tooth to make it easier for forceps to grab it.

Also, while using Anglevator, there are no chances to switch between other tools for extraction purposes.

Dental Anglevators serve multiple functions and are available in newer dental elevator versions. It can meet all the needs fulfilled by other tools like crane pick, chiels, dental luxator, and more. Furthermore, the Anglevator’s tip length depends on the tooth that requires extraction. Also, it safeguards the buccal plate when treating dental hassles.

Dental Luxator

The dental luxator are designed to deliver control and comfort during treatment. Besides, the sizes and shapes of handles are built to lower the force while use.

The purpose of this tool is to separate the bony tissue and periodontal ligament from the damaged tooth. When the tooth socket widens, it becomes easy to pull the teeth out gently using the forceps.

Techniques for Atraumatic Tooth Extraction

No matter there are several tools for tooth extraction, every case is unique. Hence, the dentists must know the tips to address specific extraction situations and boost the practice.

Single-Rooted Tooth Extraction: Use the tool against the strongest bone part. Operate around the tooth from the mesial, palatal to distal, and again the palatal surfaces. This will help you pull out the maxillary teeth easily. However, remember to preserve the buccal part.

Mesially-Rooted Tooth: Work on the mesial flaws that exist in the crooked teeth. To elevate the instrument, use the damaged mouth location and place it deep into the gap. You can use the handpiece if the case is complex. It can assist in removing only the necessary bone to produce a path for extraction purposes.

Multiple-rooted Tooth: Begin with tooth loosening. How? Expand the socket by implementing a similar approach to that of single-rooted. Now, divide each tooth section to remove the roots individually.

Summing Up

Overall, the atraumatic extraction treatment involves the use of dental surgical instruments to carry out a painless and efficient procedure. Besides, many dentists use it for immediate implant placements.

Earlier, the extraction tools and techniques delayed the healing process. Also, it made the implant treatments challenging. Hence, investing in an extraction kit including all the tools from extracting forceps to dental luxator and more is essential. Furthermore, they must be comfortable to hold and work with, resulting in minimal damage.