Conversational AI

Building Better Customer Service with Conversational AI

Conversational AI is an emerging field in Information Security that focuses on enabling artificial intelligence to be applied in a variety of different contexts. It is a subset of artificial intelligence, which is also sometimes referred to as ‘artificial intelligence’. The aim is to use artificially intelligent systems to interact with individuals in a natural-sounding manner, in a way that is not artificial intelligence in its purest form.

Conversational AI is the group of technologies behind artificially intelligent speech-enabled software and computer-based dialogue that provide humans and machines with human-like interaction. This is different from traditional machine learning, where the primary objective is to achieve a better understanding of a language by passing only predetermined commands. Conversational artificial intelligence aims to achieve a much more natural understanding by taking into account how humans actually speak, and by using a variety of different methods such as imitation, translation, and association. The ultimate goal is to achieve true artificial intelligence by developing completely natural-sounding conversations with machines. Today, we are seeing this type of AI becoming very popular in all sorts of domains such as telematics, automotive safety, customer care, medical transcription, and education.

Conversational artificial intelligence research involves various different applications including speech recognition, natural language processing, NLP, and machine learning. NLP refers to the study of how humans think, reason, and communicate – in other words, how they actually work. Machine learning is a technology used to boost the capabilities of existing programs by automatically improving them through the process of reinforcement. Conversational ai refers to the study of how people interact with one another and with the conversational machine that accompanies them in conversation.

Today, there are many different conversational ai platforms out there. Some are very easy to understand and work with; some require a more in-depth knowledge of the target language for example. Some are designed to work over various platforms such as chat, SMS, and email. The most popular conversational platforms right now are namely Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Contact and Skype.

NLP is all about enabling people to achieve an appropriate response to each and every situation. In a simple way, NLP is all about training people to be able to express themselves clearly and concisely regardless of their knowledge, level of English, and native tongue. To achieve an appropriate response, people must first understand how the appropriate response is to each specific situation. An important part of achieving an appropriate response is being able to quickly and effectively communicate with a person through a non-linguistic mode such as NLP or Conversational AI.

NLP and conversational ai work hand-in-hand to improve the performance of business processes both in the short and long term. One example is that NLP improves sales performance by enhancing the ability of agents to close sales and by building trust between the customer and the salesman. By teaching conversational AI agents to construct correct sales presentations, business processes become more streamlined, more efficient and more effective for larger businesses. Conversational AIs work well for increasing sales conversion rates. Similarly, they are ideal for marketing automation and other internet-based business processes that are implemented on a daily basis.

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Conversational AI, on the other hand, is used for providing customers with a better, more personalized shopping and browsing experience through its use cases. NLP and conversational ai can help agents focus on what the customer needs instead of being limited to standard sales vocabulary and “genealogical” information. This allows agents to tailor their conversations to address what the customer wants. They are also able to create relevant conversations that make use of natural language processing (NLP), making the interactions more engaging and relevant to the customer. For example, a shopping website could have an agent ask a question about their products, and then use appropriate NLP technology to identify the answer that the customer has typed into the web browser.

Conversational AI or artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing the state of the art in all of today’s business domains. It is replacing most of the traditional methods of customer service, which are usually comprised of direct human conversations over the phone and often include a great amount of time spent talking to each other. By having conversations in a semi-automated manner over the internet or using NLP and conversational AI technologies, agents can offer more personalized services that increase retention and customer satisfaction. As more organizations embrace conversational technologies, the future of business will be even more unified – one agent will be able to handle all of the customer interaction while the other agents continue to hone their skills using established language models.

John David
John David is a digital marketing professional and blogger with a strong passion for writing.