Brain Tumor

Demystifying The Secrets of Brain Tumor Surgeries – Common Myths About Surgeries

Brain tumours are of two types, either benign or malignant, depending on the degree of growth of the tumour in the person’s brain. Moreover, the amount of risk involved with a brain tumour surgery also depends on the rate at which the tumour grows within the brain. Although tumours can be increasingly hard to deal with, knowing common beliefs revolving around brain tumour surgeries can help individuals increase their chances of survival, leading to a better experience. 

A brain tumour is caused by the origination of mutated cells in the brain of an individual. There are different variations of a brain tumour. 

  • A brain tumour can either be benign, implying that it isn’t cancerous, or it can be cancerous. 
  • Another type is that the brain tumour can also be the extension of a tumour that originated elsewhere in the body and hence can be secondary. These are called “metastatic” brain tumours.

There are often numerous misconceptions that revolve around brain tumours. Hence, having prior knowledge regarding the same can be highly beneficial for brain cancer surgery patients. Hence, here is a list of seven common myths – 

The publication of a scientific report stated that lab mice and rats were exposed to RF radiation. This type of radiation originates from devices that saw signs of tumours being formed at their heart, brain, and even lungs. However, sometime later, this myth was busted by known neurosurgeon Michael McDermott, who said that biologically this does not make any sense due to the following reasons. Firstly, calcium is an excellent absorber of radiation, and hence the skull of humans would be able to protect them from this radiation. Secondly, it was also pointed out that the radiation used during the lab experiment was much more concentrated than the kind of radiation released by cell phones. Lastly, even the volume of skin that protects the brain in humans would save them from letting any harmful radiation penetrate.

  • All brain tumours are cancerous

In reality, only one-third of the brain tumours that can prevail is cancerous. Moreover, most brain tumours that are non-cancerous can be completely treated and cured.

  • Linking Dental X-rays to cancerous tumours

 Numerous scientists earlier proposed the hypothesis that dental X-rays can cause cancerous tumours and lead to several damages to the skin of a human being. However, a physiologist later disapproved of this, who said the danger of dental X-rays causing cancerous tumours was only possible earlier when different kinds of radiation were used.

  • Artificial sweeteners can cause brain tumours 

Food processing additives and artificial sweeteners are often considered harmful. This is because several people think they can lead to tumours or other DNA mutations, which can be detrimental to humans. However, numerous multinational companies have published publications supporting their sweeteners, suggesting that they cannot cause DNA mutations. 

  • Brain tumours are more prevalent amongst people of specific age groups 

In reality, tumours of any kind do not have any association with an individual’s age. Thus, brain tumours and your age are not related to each other.

  • Brain tumours are deadly 

The degree to which this sentence is true depends on numerous factors. However, most brain tumours (whether benign or dangerous) can have severe impacts on the neurological functions of the human brain. There are numerous treatments that can help an individual reduce these impacts. However, numerous neurologists around the world suggest brain tumour surgery patients observe and get ultrasounds done frequently. This is because the moment a tumour starts spreading across the brain of an individual, it starts squeezing the size of the brain, leading to a loss of fluids. Hence, if not identified immediately, tumours can be highly dangerous.

  • Brain tumours are hereditary

There have been ample reports published online that prove (along with evidence from several study groups) that an individual’s genetics has no impact on the chances of an individual having a tumour of any kind. Thus, brain tumours are non-hereditary.

A few brain tumours could be asymptomatic for a long time, and once it gets large, they may cause a rapid decline in health condition. To avoid such a situation, it is crucial to get health check-ups done regularly.

To conclude, brain tumours of any kind can be challenging to deal with but not impossible. Moreover, the rate at which tumours grow can vary, depending on radiation exposure or when the tumour is detected. However, knowing these myths and misconceptions can be highly beneficial for brain tumour surgery patients. The brain is the most important organ in the human body and anything that affects its functioning is understandably a cause for concern. This is why this list should serve as information that can help patients deal with the repercussions effectively.


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