area rug being cleaned

Factors To Keep In Mind While You’re Shopping For A New Area Rug

There’s absolutely no denying that one of the hardest types of décor shopping is finding new area rugs. Rug shopping just so happens to be a long, arduous process that a lot of homes and commercial properties struggle with; however, this doesn’t always have to be the case.

All of us at Goe List teamed up with the Rug industry experts at Rug Source to helps us develop this list of shopping factors for rug everyone to keep in mind while they’re in the process of shopping for a new area rug, so keep the following in mind if you’re browsing online for new rugs!

1. Rug Material Is Always Really Important

The first factor you should keep in mind while shopping for area rugs is what specific rugs are made of, and this is largely because area rugs can either be comprised of natural or synthetic fibers. Although synthetic rugs will usually be a lot more affordable as compared to wool or silk rugs, there certainly is a lot of value in natural fibers.

There certainly are many pros and cons associated with both natural and synthetic rug fibers, so it’s important to continue doing your research so you can better understand which material sounds like it’ll work best for you and your décor.

2. Rug Size Is An Initial Stepping Stone

No one wants to go through the process of shopping, purchasing and having an area rug shipped to their property only to find out that it’s not the right size for their specific room, and this is exactly why doing precise measurements at the beginning of the rug shopping process is so important.

You should just make sure that you’re conducting some measurements in your room to see what parameters should be kept in mind, because it’s likely that you’ll have a little bit of room to go certain dimensions. However, it’s also important to keep your existing furniture and décor in mind when you’re deciphering optimal rug size.

3. Rug Style & Colors

Once you’ve gotten the basics covered in terms of what will work best for you and your home, you can then start to get to the fun part of rug shopping. This is specifically rug styles and colors, which is an exciting part of the rug shopping experience that allows for an endless amount of creativity.

You should make sure that your new area rug reflects what you like in terms of design and color scheme, because after all you’ll be the one looking at the new rug on a daily basis!

4. Rug Shape Matters

There are many instances in which your new area rug will be in a spot within your home in which you’ll have some options when it comes to shape. You don’t always have to get a conventional, rectangular area rug, because circular rugs and runner rugs are also really useful options depending upon your floor plan.

Our advice is to keep your options open when it comes to area rug shopping, and to not neglect certain spaces that could benefit from rugs even though they wouldn’t accommodate rectangular rugs!

5. Rug Texture

Another important factor to keep in mind while you’re rug shopping is texture, and this is largely because texture will help dictate the overall ambience that the rug provides. Area rugs tend to be the focal point of any room’s décor and overall ambience, so texture truly is a focal point of rug shopping that everyone must keep in mind.

If you’re looking for a cozier feel to your bedroom, consider a rug with a high pile that will provide ample amount of cushioning for your feet. If you have kids or pets, consider getting a low-pile area rug that’s easier to clean.

Reach Out To Area Rug Experts To Learn More About Rug Shopping Tips!  

Finding high-quality area rugs has certainly become a lot easier for countless people through the online outlets that provide seemingly endless inventories, but of course there are also some drawbacks associated with not touching and seeing a prospective area rug in person before buying it.

This is why you should always put your trust in experienced, reputable rug industry specialists when you’re in the process of shopping online for a new rug. You shouldn’t settle for anything less than optimal customer service during these shopping experiences, and the specialists at Rug Source are available to you via the link at the top of the page if you’re interested in learning more about important considerations to keep in mind while rug shopping!