Nowadays, almost everyone uses credit cards. After applying for credit cards online, tracking them is required. No need to go to the bank to check the credit card application status. No need to go to banks multiple times to know about the application status of the credit card.
With the development of online transaction facilities, credit card application status can be easily viewed online in just a few easy steps. Whether you are out of station or not, you can know if your credit card application is successful or not. This tracking of the status of credit cards application has never been so easy. But now, it’s easy to go through proper online checking by the bank website to know whether the person is a genuine credit card applicant. Hence before checking the credit card application status, make sure to keep a few important details ready.
Things you need to Check Your Credit Card Application Status online:-
- Credit card application/form number
- Credit card reference Number
- Identity details (PAN Card number/ Adhar card)
- Date of birth
- OTP from your Registered Mobile Number
More or less, most banks require the information mentioned above for proper authentication of the person.
Step by step process to check credit card application status:-
- Firstly, visit the bank website of the credit card
- Now click on the Track Application Status option on the website page, which will open a new tab for filling up your credit card application details. There might be a field to enter the mentioned captcha too.
If you have forgotten the Application number, click on the option of Retrieve of Application number. Enter the Date of birth, and the Identity detail number will help you retrieve your credit card application number.
- Suppose you don’t get a direct link to Track application status on the website page. Go to the Card section in the websites and then select the credit card.
- Then click on the credit card option, which will further take you to another tab. In this tab, you can easily find the Track application status option.
- Firstly fill in the Credit card application number along with the required identity details. Even for verification, an OTP can be sent to your registered mobile number.
After clicking the ‘Submit’ option to track the credit card application status, you will get to see any of the following results:-
- Approved
This means the bank approves your credit card after the full verification process. But not every bank dispatches the red card as soon as they approve. Hence, you need to contact the credit card issuer to get the credit card shipped to your address. The approval of a credit card usually takes 7-10 days. However, sometimes users also get instant credit card approval too. For such easy approvals, apply for credit cards that match the best with your credit profile. Also, you will get to know your credit limit after the approval.
- In progress
This means your application for a credit card is in the initial stages of verification. If your credit card approval is delayed, don’t panic. The approval of a credit card goes through proper checking and authentication by the bank.
- Hold
This means that there might be some problems regarding your credit card application. So it’s best to contact the credit card issue or the bank for such inconvenience. Even the credit card issuer might contact you through email or message to submit the required additional information.
- Rejected
If your application for a credit card is rejected, go through the reason for such inconvenience. There may be several reasons to reject your application. It can be a low credit score or even irregular income. Always make sure to check the eligibility and requirements for the application process of the credit card. This will help you to get the approval of credit cards easily.
- Dispatched
This application status means the bank has approved your credit card. Moreover, it has already shipped to your address and soon will get it. But most importantly, you need to make a signature on the credit card to start using it.
After you know, it is so simple to track the credit card application status online. Apply for the exclusive all-in-one Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard now. The Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard can be used as a credit card, loan card, EMI card, and cash card. In Bajaj Finserv, the credit card application status is instantly known after applying for this Web Design Company. Apply for Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard to enjoy so many benefits in just one card.