Sippy Cup

How to Introduce a Sippy Cup to your newborn baby?

Introduce your child to sippy cups to begin

On the off chance that your kid is at the age to be situated in a high-seat and is additionally prepared to drink the first sippy cup or, at least ready to learn to drink from an unopened cup.

It will also help her understand that liquids could come from sources that aren’t breastmilk or bottle, but it will also aid her in getting rid of the bottle when it’s time to stop. Here’s how you can give the bottle to the next years.

When is the most suitable time to present a sippy cup?

Introduce a sippy cup to your baby as early as possible around 6 months — will help you remove her from the bottle prior to the time she turns one. Certain babies lose interest when they are bottle-feeding between 9 and 12 months old, making it an ideal time to begin getting your baby off of the bottle.

Sippy cup

Best Slow flow Sippy cups are a huge advantage for busy parents. One of the most significant advantages is that they’re almost spill-proof which implies less mess and less washing up. Additionally, they’re lightweight, which means your kid can carry one around in her car or in her stroller at daycare.

However, sippy cups come with risks also. First, extracting the liquid from the sippy is more difficult than drinking it from an empty cup, or the straw-filled cup So liquids such as formula, breast milk pumped and milk (for babies older than 1) require more time to wash the teeth in sugar.

What should you consider when choosing the right Sippy Cup for your baby?

The best cup can help make the first sip experience more enjoyable as well as less messy for all. You may have to play with several choices until you have the ideal match, but there are some useful aspects to look out for when you are shopping for the perfect sippy cup:

  • Bottom of the cup is weighted. Sippy cups that have weights on the bottom are more durable than those that don’t have weights and won’t topple as easily.
  • Spill-proof. The method of drinking from a sippy cup will be confused. If you choose a cup that is leak-proof, you’ll be in good stead when she takes it off the highchair — and she’ll!
  • Phthalate-free. BPA is outlawed within the U.S. since 2012, however, there is some worry that phthalates, the chemical compounds that are commonly found in plastics, may alter the hormones in your body.
  • The majority of babies prefer cups with handles. They make it easier for their little (adorable) fingernails to grasp.

Of obviously when your child is grabbing your water glass during dinner, there’s no harm in giving her one sip under supervision (as long as there’s not the presence of ice in your beverage). You’ll get her used to drinking from various cups more quickly if she’s able to try various cups earlier.

Do you need to make use of a sippy cup in order to switch from your bottle?

It’s not true. In actual fact, some specialists advise cutting out the sippy cups altogether and going straight to an open cup.

Tips for transitioning from sippy cups

Some tots aren’t willing to let go of their bottles without fighting. However, with time they’ll eventually get used to it. These tips can make the change more comfortable.

  • Fill it in with your usual.
  • Invite participation.
  • Be patient.
  • Change in the cups.

What can be done if your child refuses to drink from a sippy cup?

If your toddler does not look at her and then turns her head back, it’s an indication that she’s been able to drink enough (even if she’s not had any) and it’s your cue to put the sippy cups (or the cup in general) aside for the coming meal … and when she’s really resistant or not, until the next day.

How do you introduce sippy cups?

At the age of six months, consider bringing your baby’s highchair to the table at mealtimes and offer your baby a small amount of formula or breast milk in a sippy mug.

It reinforces the idea that she should eat mostly during meal times, instead of snacking during the entire day. Toddlers who drink from sippy cups throughout the day may be at risk of being overweight (since they are more likely to consume too much) as well as cavities (since the teeth of these children are coated in sugary drinks).

When is the best time to start weaning your baby off of sippy cups?

It’s not a “best time” to transition your child from sippy cups, however, in the event that your child is able to sit on her chair in the highchair, it’s most likely that she’s in the right place to begin drinking sips from an open cup or cup with straws.