How to Print Perfect Stickers Every Time!

Printing stickers may seem like a pretty straightforward process, but there are actually quite a few things to consider if you want to end up with perfect results every time.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most important factors to keep in mind when printing stickers, so you can avoid any frustrating surprises down the line.

1. Choose the right paper stock.

The type of paper you use for your stickers is extremely important – it will affect everything from the overall look and feel of the finished product to how well the stickers hold up over time. For example, if you’re looking for a durable sticker that can withstand being exposed to weather or moisture, you’ll need to choose a waterproof vinyl material. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a sticker that can be easily removed without damaging the surface it’s applied to, you’ll need to choose a material like static cling vinyl.

2. Use the right printer settings.

When it comes to sticker printing, there are two main things to keep in mind in terms of printer settings: resolution and color mode. For resolution, you’ll want to make sure you select a high dpi (dots per inch) setting – this will ensure that your stickers come out looking sharp and crisp. As for color mode, you’ll want to choose either CMYK or PMS (Pantone Matching System) colors – these are more accurate than RGB colors and will help your stickers look their best.

3. Pay attention to your design.

When designing your stickers, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to avoid any potential printing problems. First, make sure that your design is created at the correct size and that all text is legible – if your design is too small or contains tiny details, it may come out looking blurry or distorted when printed. Additionally, be mindful of the colors you use in your design – as we mentioned before, CMYK and PMS colors are more accurate than RGB colors, so using these will help ensure that your stickers look exactly as you intended them to. Finally, try to avoid using super bright or Neon colors – these can be difficult (or even impossible) to print correctly, so it’s best to stick with more subdued hues.

4. Get proof before you print.

Once you’ve designed your stickers and chosen the right paper stock and printer settings, the next step is to get proof of your design before you commit to printing a large quantity. This will allow you to see how your stickers will look when printed and make any necessary adjustments to your design before it’s too late. Getting a proof can be as simple as printing out a single sticker on your home printer – just make sure that you use the same paper stock and printer settings that you’ll be using for your final order. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a sticker that can be easily removed without damaging the surface it’s applied to, you’ll need to choose a material like static cling vinyl.

5. Work with a professional printer.

For the best possible results, we recommend working with a professional printing company that specializes in printing stickers. They will be able to help you with every step of the process, from choosing the right paper stock to getting a proof of your design, and they’ll be able to print your stickers at a higher quality than what you could achieve on your own. As for color mode, you’ll want to choose either CMYK or PMS (Pantone Matching System) colors – these are more accurate than RGB colors and will help your stickers look their best.

Bonus Tip: Die-Cut Stickers vs. Kiss-Cut Stickers

If you’re unsure about what type of sticker to get, we recommend die-cut stickers – these are cut to the shape of your design, so there’s no excess material around the edges. Kiss-cut stickers are also cut to the shape of your design, but they have a small border of material around the edge – this can be useful if you’re planning on applying the stickers to curved surfaces, as it will help the sticker conform to the contours of the surface.

Be mindful of the colors you use in your design – as we mentioned before, CMYK and PMS colors are more accurate than RGB colors, so using these will help ensure that your stickers look exactly as you intended them to. Finally, try to avoid using super bright or Neon colors – these can be difficult (or even impossible) to print correctly, so it’s best to stick with more subdued hues.



There are a few things to keep in mind when printing stickers, but if you follow these tips, you’ll be sure to end up with a high-quality product that looks great and stands the test of time.