
Preparations for College

The time has come for you to think about what comes next for you. You’ve made it through high school and now you’re ready to make your way into the next chapter of life. I know that may be scary, but don’t worry! There are lots of things that we can do now before college starts so that when it does come around we’re ready for everything.

Get the SAT and ACT dates set

The SAT and ACT are both standardized tests, but they’re not exactly the same. The SAT is more comprehensive and covers a lot of different topics, whereas the ACT is more specific, covering fewer topics.

The materials required for preparing for both exams are usually available at your school’s guidance office or on their websites. Please make sure that you read through these materials carefully so that you know what to expect from these tests! The one thing we would recommend after reading through all of this information about how to prepare yourself is just taking either test as soon as possible—you won’t be able to improve your score unless you take it first!

Decide on what you want to major in

Choosing a major can be overwhelming, but this is the most important decision you will make when it comes to your college education. You want to pick a major that will lead to a career you love and that you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life. You also have to think about whether or not the classes for that major are going to be easy for you, even if other students find them difficult. If there is any doubt in your mind about what major would be best for you, talk with an advisor from the school where you plan on attending so they can help guide your decision making process and prepping for college.

Decide if you want to stay close to home or go far away

  • If you want to stay close to your family and friends, staying in the area of your childhood home is an option.
  • If you want the comfort of knowing what’s around you, staying in your hometown or near it might be a good idea.
  • If saving money is important to you, consider living at home for as long as possible. You may also have access to more financial aid if there are other family members attending the same institution that can help cover some costs (like parents).

College tours are a must before you decide on one

Visiting a college is an essential part of the college-application process. It’s also a great way to get a feel for what each school has to offer and whether it will be the right fit for you.

  • What you can learn from a college tour:
  • The layout of campus, including buildings and facilities
  • Where classes are held
  • How students interact with one another
  • What to look for in a college:
  • Is there plenty of green space? (Hanging out on grass is always better than sitting in an auditorium!)
  • Are there many options for studying outside? (There are few things as pleasant as being on campus with friends during springtime.)
  • Is food available around most parts of campus?

Research how much your educational path is going to cost. Scholarships, grants, etc.

College costs are going to vary depending on how you plan to pay for your education. If you plan on living at home and commuting, the costs may be much less than if you want to live on campus or go to college in another state. You should research how much it costs at each of your prospective schools so that when it comes time for enrollment, you can make an informed decision about where best suits your budget and lifestyle needs.

Talk with your parents about expectations financially. How much are they willing to pay? Is there another plan?

This is a great conversation to have before you go to college. It will help you figure out your family’s financial situation, and allow them to talk about what they expect from you as far as payments go. You can also talk about how much money they’re willing to pay, if any.

You’ll want to make sure that everybody knows where everything stands financially so that nobody is surprised by the bills or debt when it comes time for school.

You don’t have to go immediately after high school. Many people take a gap year.

If you have a year or two off before college, there’s no reason to spend that time in idleness. A gap year is a great opportunity to pursue interests, travel and make money (which will help with tuition). You can also explore different areas of study by volunteering at a nonprofit or working for an employer whose business interests align with your passions. These kinds of jobs aren’t always available on campus or in the summertime — so if you want them, consider taking some time off after high school instead.

If you’re still not sure about what direction to go when it comes to pursuing higher education and where exactly “college” fits into your life plan (is it necessary? how much should I pay?), then this is an excellent chance to put everything on hold while learning what else might interest you as much as studying did back then (if at all).

Take the pressure off of yourself and just enjoy the students that you’re with now.

If you’re feeling a little stressed out, try to take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are where you need to be and that everything will work out.

When I was in high school, I got accepted into an incredible college program in the middle of my senior year and felt like all of my friends were moving on without me. I spent the whole year worrying about what was going to happen next—but now, looking back on it all these years later? It’s okay. Everything worked out just fine.

If there’s one thing I learned from this experience, it’s that not everything is going too fast or too slow: things just are what they are supposed to be when they’re meant to happen. You might think that everyone else is going at such a fast pace (or doing such amazing things) because that’s how life seems when we’re young—we don’t think about tomorrow or yesterday; we only see today as important because everything else feels so far away from us at the time! But if it helps put things into perspective for you: remember that even though other students may seem more successful than yourself right now (and sometimes even seem like they’ve got their lives together), everyone goes through their own struggles with college applications and interviews–even those who have already been accepted! So take some time each day during this last leg of your high school career–even if only five minutes–and reflect on what matters most right now: enjoying yourself while still being true to yourself

Also Read: Reasons Why Young People Fail in College

College is around the corner but don’t let it stress you out!

So, you’re about to graduate from high school and head off to college. It’s a big step that comes with a lot of pressure and many unknowns. But don’t worry—you’ve got this! Here are some tips on how to take the plunge into the world of higher education:

  • Take it one step at a time. College is a long road, so don’t be afraid to take things slow and enjoy yourself along the way. Readying yourself for your first day of class doesn’t have to be stressful; just make sure you’re prepared by keeping up with your reading assignments during summer break (it’ll help get you acclimated!)
  • Don’t let other people’s priorities get in your way. While it’s important that others are working hard toward their goals too—after all, they’re going through something similar—it’s equally as important that YOU keep an eye on what YOU want out of life! Don’t let other people’s schedules dictate yours; do what works best for YOU!
  • Be prepared for whatever comes next: Whether or not college ends up being right for us isn’t really up anyway…at least not yet anyway…so why stress ourselves out trying


College is the next step in your life, but don’t let it stress you out! Take a deep breath, talk to your parents and make sure that they understand that this is an important decision. It’s okay if you make some mistakes along the way; just keep trying until you find what works for you.