hair transplantation

Things to Know About Hair Transplantation

Are you worried about thinning or balding scalp? A Dubai Hair Transplant may be the rightest option to help you get your hair back. A few years ago, the overall safety of hair transplantation was questionable due to the risky procedures involved. But now, hair transplant is safer and more effective than ever.

You can also take the benefits of a London hair transplant. Because still, it is imperative to discuss hair transplants with a surgeon before making your mind about this treatment. This blog post describes hair transplants, their types, and the procedure involved.-

What is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplants are aimed to add hair to a balding or thinning area of your head. During this procedure, the hair surgeon takes hairs from one area of your scalp and grafts them into the thinning or balding area. Today’s hair transplantation involves follicular grafting, which is more effective than hair plugs used a few decades ago.

Do Hair Transplants Work?

Hair transplantation is generally better than over-the-counter medications aiming to treat hair loss. However, it is imperative to consider some factors.

  • Transplanted hairs are natural hairs, which may thin over time.
  • The rate of hair transplant success ranges between 10 and 80 percent.

Hair transplant uses your existing hair, which means there must be enough hair on your scalp for required harvesting. This treatment is usually not much effective for people who have:

  • Hair loss due to medications like chemotherapy
  • Widespread balding or thinning
  • Thick scars on the scalp due to injuries

How does Hair Transplant Work?

The hair transplantation concept is simple; the surgeon will take hair from one area of your head and graft them into the balding area. The donor area is usually the back of the head, but it can be any part of the body with abundant hair strands.

Before starting the procedure, the surgeon will sterilize the balding area, also known as the recipient site. They will then numb this region using a local anaesthetic solution. You can also request general anaesthesia if you do not want to witness the procedure for any reason.

The two treatment techniques used for hair transplant are FUT and FUE. Here is a brief explanation of both these procedures.

Follicular Hair Transplantation (FUT)

Also known as follicular unit strip surgery, a FUT involves taking a strip of hair from the donor site of the scalp and using its follicles as grafts.

  • The surgeon will use a scalpel to remove a strip of the scalp, usually at the back of your head. The length of this strip is usually six to ten inches or from ear to ear.
  • After that, they stitch the scalp to close the area from where the surgeon took the strip.
  • Then, the surgeon and the assisting staff divide that strip into tiny pieces using a scalpel. They further divide these pieces into even smaller fragments known as grafts. Each of these grafts contains one hair follicle.
  • The surgeon then makes tiny punctures in the recipient area using a needle or blade.
  • After that, the grafts are inserted into those punctures. This graft insertion is also known as grafting.
  • Lastly, they cover the treated area with bandages for protection.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

The steps involved in an FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai are as follows.

  • First off, the medical staff will shave off the hair from the back of your head.
  • Then, the surgeon will extract individual follicles from the donor area.
  • After that, tiny holes are made in the recipient site, and grafts are inserted into those holes.
  • In the final step, the surgical staff covers the treated areas with bandages to promote recovery.


Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive procedure, meaning that you can go home on the same day after surgery. Depending on the balding area or the amount of hair you want to have on it, the entire treatment can take several hours to several days.

Some pain and soreness are expected in the treated region. Fortunately, these side effects do not last much longer. Your surgeon may, however, prescribe medications, including:

  • Antibiotics for infection prevention
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to deal with swelling
  • Pain medications, such as ibuprofen
  • Minoxidil or finasteride to promote hair growth

Here is a list of some tips you should follow after hair transplantation:

  • Be careful when washing your hair. Follow doctor’s instructions.
  • You may return to work or other routine activities after three days.
  • Avoid combing or brushing over new grafts for at least three weeks.
  • Stay away from any physical activity that makes you sweat.

Falling out of some hairs in the treated region is expected. Moreover, the transplanted hair growth may not sync with the hair on other head areas for a few months.

What are the Side Effects of Hair Transplant?

The most common side-side effect of hair transplantation is scarring, especially with a FUT procedure. Other complications are preventable with proper care. Those possible complications include:

  • Pain or swelling
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Loss of sensation around the treated area
  • Continued hair loss

It is pertinent to note that all these possible complications are avoidable if you choose the right hair surgeon for treatment. Moreover, adhering to a post-treatment care regimen keeps these side effects at bay.

Final Thoughts

Modern-day hair transplantation procedures are safer and more effective than ever, thanks to more sound techniques used in harvesting and grafting hair follicles. Yet, it is crucial to get this procedure only from a skilled surgeon, or you may end up with less desirable treatment results.