
Can Orbi be used with existing router?

Yes and connect the orbi router to your current router via Ethernet. The orbi router must be set to AP mode and your current router connection must be turned off. Your current router will provide a routing firewall etc.

Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Internet port on the Orbi router to the LAN port on the current router or gateway. From your computer or mobile device that is connected to your network and then open a web browser and enter orbilogin.com

Orbi is the perfect network solution, which is basically not just a router, but a complete Wi-Fi home system from NETGEAR.

Orbi is not only good on the outside and aesthetically pleasing, but it also has the right hardware to enhance your entire experience and you will enjoy the benefits of faster communication in your network with the best coverage in the whole house and the right signal strength.

So you want to use Orbi on other routers and here are a few things you need to know about it.

Check with your ISP

Most ISPs now also provide you with their own network equipment. This will prevent you from using your own hardware or upgrading the router. However, it has a catch and you can consider it an opportunity.

It doesn’t matter if you use a router from your ISP that is connected to other routers or if you have another router from the Market. You can use Orbi routers with them without any issues or problems and you need to know how to set it up.

Some ISPs may not allow you to use another router; others may allow you to use your own router. Similarly, you must confirm this with your ISP if you can use Orbi on your current router, which can provide the ISP with which you are signing up for Internet coverage.

Orbi Capability

Yes, all Orbi routers can be used with other routers to maximize computing power and geographic coverage. It doesn’t matter if you use a router from your ISP that is connected to other routers or if you have another router from the Market. You can use Orbi routers with them without any hassle and hassle and you need to know how to set it up.

How to configure?

All Orbi routers have an AP mode option, which is also called access point mode. This mode is used when you are trying to connect an Orbi router to another router and you do not want to use the basic functions of the Orbi router. It works similarly to a Wi-Fi booster or extender, but has more options and performance benefits because you can also enjoy the computing power of Orbi routers.

You need to make sure you have set up your Orbi Router in access point mode and then you need to connect it to the current router you have already set up. You should keep in mind the AP mode function, as it limits the basic functions of the Orbi router as well as security features such as the SSID itself.

Also, you cannot use any other features on the Orbi router, such as IPv6 or anything other than Firewall or security. Parental Control is also disabled because the primary router you are using will be scanned.

Setting up the Orbi switch as a passage:

  • You can utilize Ethernet link to interface the Internet port of your Orbi switch to the LAN port of your present switch or passage Orbi switch to the LAN port of your present switch or entryway.
  • Open any web browser from a computer or mobile device connected to your orbi network
  • And Enter orbilogin.com.

The login window appears.

  • Enter the administrator username and password.

The username is admin and the password is what you created during setup. The username and password are case-sensitive.

The home page will appear on your window

  • Select ADVANCED> Advanced Settings> Router / AP Mode.

The Router / AP Mode page is displayed.

  • Select the switch in AP mode.

Customize the page.

  • Select an IP address setting:

Get dynamics from the current router. Another router on the network assigns an IP address to this router when this router is in AP mode.

Use a fixed IP address (not recommended). Use this setting to manually assign a specific IP address to this router when it is in AP mode. Using this option effectively requires an advanced network experience.

Tips for setting up Netgear Orbi – LED lighting

  • Open any web browser from a computer or mobile device that are connected to network.
  • Enter in address bar orbilogin.com

After that login window displays on your window

  • Fill into router admin user name and password.

The client name is administrator and the secret key is the one that you indicated whenever that you first signed in. The password and user name are case-sensitive. The home page will appear on your window

  • After that Attached Devices.

And the Attached devices will appear on displays.

  • After this select your satellite

The Edit device will appear on your window

  • You make sure that the LED lighting is turned on.
  • If the LED lighting is off, in the LED turned on/off section, click the LED On/off slider to turn the LED on.