
Best Learning Option – Online or Offline?

With the advancement in technology, our ways of learning or acquiring new skills also have changed.  We have more options on expanding our knowledge or getting proper training to sharpen some skills.  The pandemic has introduced online learning for the majority of students.  Now there is an intense debate on which learning option is better – online or offline.  Now, learners need to take benefit of both online and offline education training.  Every learner has different capabilities and learning abilities.  Some study methods will be effective for some learners and for others not at all.  So, we will highlight the key differences between online and offline education.

Offline Learning

Students receive education in real-time when studying in a traditional classroom.  Students get to receive immediate feedback from their teachers or professors.  Unlike online learning, students get to have regular face to face interactions with their teachers and peers.  Online learning can never replace the holistic aspect of offline education.  Offline classes give a practical learning environment where students get the opportunity to interact closely with their teachers as well as actively participate in debates and live discussions.


Pros of offline learning:

  • Face-to-face learning helps both students and teachers understand each other’s body language.  This way, the class becomes more interactive, and teachers also can tell whether students are interested in the topic and paying attention or not.
  • Students with no access to the internet and smartphones will have equal opportunities to have proper education.
  • Broadens understanding among students on what is being taught in class, and students will have different perspectives on topics discussed in class or schools.
  • The offline study can help students clear their doubts and get clarity on the mistakes, which is not possible in online classes.

Some of the cons of offline study:


  • As compared to online studies, offline studies can be a little expensive due to the travel and accommodation
  • There is a fixed timing for learning
  • Classrooms are not the good option for introverts who like to keep it to themselves and avoid any kind of social interaction with others.
  • Students in offline studying tend to get overly dependent on teachers for every data.
  • Offline studying is not entirely an independent way of learning.

Online Learning


Online learning is typically named e-learning.  It can also be called distance learning, taking place across distance over the internet connection.  Due to the rapid advancement of technology, online learning is a part of course offerings around the world.  It comes with perks like attending your dream university with the added benefit of a learning experience tailored to your schedule.

Pros of online study


  1. Flexible study environment and schedule

It is important to set a learning environment that meets your academic needs.  You can attend our classes in a cafe across the street, bedroom or do some house chores.  You can even listen to the lessons while going on the treadmill.

  1. More choice of courses

When you are studying online, you do not have to worry about the distance between classes.  You will have plenty of options for choosing courses and programs.  When you are doing online courses, you can easily meet the schedule and do whatever courses you think will upgrade your skill.

  1. Career advancement

Online studying allows you to work faster.  This makes it easier to maintain a work schedule around your studies or classes.  This is probably the biggest advantage since you do not have to choose between your job and taking classes.  You will easily be able to continue work while simultaneously furthering your education.

  1. More comfortable with clearing doubts

Some students tend to feel hesitant when asking about something in front of the class.  However, clearing doubts comes easier through online classes.  As compared to offline classes, online classes are more comfortable for introverted students.

  1. Avoid commuting

Commuting on a daily basis can be not only frustrating but also costly.  Online students appreciate the fact that they can save money on gas or public transportation to edit my essay.

  1. Help you become more responsible and self-disciplines

When you are studying online, there are a lot of things you are required to manage on your own.  There will not be any teacher constantly reminding you about the pending assignment.  So, while managing your time and everything, you will become more self-motivated and responsible, which is a must-have feature for a workplace.  It will surely look great on our resume.

Cons of online studying


  1. Not suitable for every topic

Online studies are not fit for complex topics, practices or operative techniques.  Certain topics require a physical environment where the teacher conducts the class in-person to make them understand

  1. Lack of practice-based learning

Online learning mostly is based on theory, and they lack practice-based stud.  Thus, students studying online lack practical knowledge that is completely based on hands-on attempts.  Online students can learn the theory-based side of topics.  However, it cannot be used for transferring practical knowledge since it requires you to visit fields and understand the environment.  Thus, e-learning can never replace knowledge coming from working experience in the actual field,

  1. Limited social interaction

In a traditional classroom, lively group discussion, students’ raising hands to give answers or clearing a doubt becomes a part of the class.  However, these moments do not occur in online learning.

  1. Easier to procrastinate

Since there is nobody to remind about your assignments, staying on top of the class or maintaining focus becomes difficult.  It becomes easier to put off assignments and reading when you are in an online environment.

  1. Creates a sense of isolation

Studying alone with just a computer can be terrifying.  You do not have any classmates to discuss it; no remarks from the teacher, no commanding presence at the front can make you feel isolated.